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Your tax-deductible donation will help provide programs, supplies, and opportunities for Union Yellow Jackets. See current donation opportunities below.
Already donated? You can get involved in other ways.

Membership & General Fund
Become a member of the foundation (more on that here), or make a one-time or recurring donation to the general fund. Funds donated here will be used to meet immediate needs, or to cover smaller expenses that don't merit an individual campaign.

Your Project Here
If you have a specific cause in mind, and you'd like to make a donation to cover all or most of that project, text or call the Foundation treasurer, Sandra Winstead, at 6O1-479-9731, or send an email to yellowjacketfoundation (at)

Coming Soon
Check back frequently to learn about, and be a part of, new projects the Foundation is supporting.
Do you prefer to donate by mail?
Send checks to:
Yellow Jacket Nation Foundation
P.O. Box 92
Union, MS 39365
Be sure to specify which of the above funds you're supporting.
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